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Pinku No Oto
Name: Pinku No Oto (の音ピンク)
Gender: Male
Physical age: 19
Birthdate: January 31st, 19xx
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Item: Pink Cat Plushie
Voice source: Akira
Design: Akira
Voice range VCV 1.5: C#3-B4
Voice range VCV2.0: C3-E4
Pinku No Oto VCV 1.5
Pinku No Oto -
Pinku No Oto 2.0 -
Pinku No Oto VCV 2.0
Pinku No Oto PASTEL -
Pinku No Oto REMAKE -
Pinku No Oto REMAKE
Pinku and Violet are not like the typical siblings. Pinku loves and adores his younger sister and will do anything for her! He is very protective over her and nicknamed her Princess. Their personality is quite similar yet different where Pinku is a hot head and is a bit of an ass. He is head over heels for Anna, but Anna finds him annoying and runs away from him.
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