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New banks on their way

It's not that long ago that I released Anna and Andrew Saw so everyone could use them. Well.. I noticed something funny about their normal banks that I had to fix up in. It wasn't their oto or their FRQ files (for once) that needed to be fixed, but it was their voices. As you can hear in their demos (on their own pages) that their normal (and Anna's strong bank) sound younger than thier other banks and I would like to fix that. So Anna and Andrew's normal (and strong bank) VCV are being re-recorded for fixing up accents and to give them a more mature voice so their voices can blend more inn with the other banks they have. Not only am I re-recording their voicebanks I'm also giving them a tripitch CV voice bank for beingers to use (as they should be easier to use).

While I'm on the topic on new voicebanks. As you have seen on the Character page that there are two icons that are black. Those two are not new banks at all as they are way back from 2011-2012. You may find out how they sound if you search trough my YouTube channel as I will not link you to them. There is also an UTAU on her way after the rest of her voicebanks have been recorded. I will not give any more information about this UTAU as it is a suprise. (Also I'm working on getting Yasu released).

Thank you for reading and may you have a wonderful day.

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